VetLine Anaplasma 96 tests

Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of antibodies against Anaplasma in veterinary serum.

Not available in the US.


Anaplasmosis or Tick Borne Fever (TBF) is a rickettsial disease affecting the white blood cells of sheep and cattle, causing anaemia and seasonal “pasture fever”. It is caused by Anaplasma phagocytophilum (previously known as Ehrlichia phagocytophila). Seasonal Anaplasmosis occurs in cattle that are returned to tick infected pasture in the spring. Anaplasmosis naturally affects primarily sheep and cattle, and less commonly, deer, horses and dogs. Anaplasmosis causes multisystemic disease, causing cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory, reproductive and neurological signs, and also lymphadenopathy and wasting disease.

The NovaTec VetLine Anaplasma ELISA is intended for the qualitative determination of antibodies against Anaplasma in veterinary serum. The diagnostic sensitivity canine was 92.00 % and the diagnostic specificity canine was 94.12 % (agreement: 92.85 %). For further details, please check the Performance Report.

Only for veterinary in-vitro diagnostic use.

Prior to ordering, please check if the product can be imported and used in the destination country. Should you need any assistance, please contact us.

Not available in the US.

Kit Specifications
Product Attachments
  • IFU_VetLine Anaplasma_ANAVT0850 engl,dt,fr,es 17092020-TL_abLot009

  • Performance_VeLine Anaplasma_ANAVT0850-21012019-TL
